Quantum Theologica

Quantum Theologica unites theology and science. This is a spiritual based philosophy that allows for the free discussion of science, ufology and the paranormal. We encourage members of all faiths to comment. Theology is an important part of this because religious texts are full of spiritual truths about the nature of reality. “The day Science begins to study nonphysical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all previous centuries of its existence.” NIKOLA TESLA

Friday, December 31, 2004

The Father's Love

For God so Loved the World, He gave His Only Begotten Son to Save us. See Jesus came and got a perfect score for us. No matter what grade we get in life we can be partakers of this perfect score through Faith in Christ Jesus. Simple yet Profound. Since God loves us so, why should His Grace be hard to obtain? Did your mother make you right a 1000 word essay before she would agree to love you? See, Grace is a Gift from our Father in Heaven. Grace by definition is simple, it's like breaking a vase and then recieving forgivness for it along with 3 new vases. You are recieving something you don't deserve, Thanks to the Father's Love. So you can study the sciences and still accept this Truth. Remember, Jesus talked about those who strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.


Thursday, December 30, 2004

Thought and Creation: Part 2

First, let me give thanks to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Now, I will discuss the Zero Point Field, Holographic Principle, Interference and Decoherence.

We will go step by step and then tie them all in together.

First, the ZPF. This is where reality exist. This is where all that is and all that will be exist. Werner Heisenburg and the Uncertainty implies a ground state field of energy that constantly interacts with subatomic matter. So at the bases of existence is a sea of quantum fields or quantum potential that manifest in the macroscopic. Physicist know about this field of energy and they subtract this energy through a process call renormalization. Some reasoned that because this zero point energy is always present then it doesn't count. That makes no sense, when physicist renormalize their equations it still describes the physical world but it's incomplete without factoring in the ZPF. To me this is the height of arrogance, here we have a field of energy that's greater than all the matter in the universe, and some discount it because it gets in the way.

The Bible is exactly right when it says, claiming themselves to be wise they became fools. Subtracting out this energy is like subtracting out the Spiritual Realm and then asking for evidence. The blind leading the blind. They say since this energy doesn't follow general relativity so it doesn't gravitate then it can't be physically real. This is what I mean by illogical assumptions. Why would the Spiritual Realm obey general relativity? Why would the Spiritual Realm have gravitation? Hear you have evidence of a non physical reality and what do they do? Subtract this reality out of the equations.

See each mode of the vaccum radiation field has an energy of hv/2, this would make the total energy of the vacuum infinite. See, even at absolute zero these quantum fluctuation are still present. So just think of a pendulum that is never at rest. This energy has also been confirmed by the Casimir effect. This non physical energy is a mathematical fact and many of the same people who know this have the nerve to ask us for evidence of the Spiritual realm. Here is an energy that's pervades the universe, that is within us, that's non physical and that's greater than everything in the universe combined. It is greater than the difference between a drop of water and all the earths oceans combined. Why is this? you may ask. It's because most of the people who study the sciences are reductionist. A reductionist tries to reduce everything to the physical. So consciousness along with everything can be reduced to matter or matter is the root cause of everything. Is this science? Is this exploration? It's like saying you are about to explore for oil but before you start you exclude Texas because you reason, I say reason for lack of a better word because this type of logic does a disservice to reason, you reason that there isn't any oil to be found there.

These people are stopping exploration before they began exploring. If it doesn't fit in there little reductionist box then they just erase it.

Next, is the holographic principle which asserts that all of the information contained in some region of space can be found as a hologram in the boundery within that region of space.

It also says, that the information on the boundary of the particular region of space should contain one degree of freedom per Planck area.

A Planck area is:

Lp=1.6 * 10-33 centimeters

Where Lp is Plancks length.

See we know the the information about a certain space(say your room) is not contained in the volume of space or the things in your room, but the 2 dimension surface area of your room. So your shadow could actually contain all the information in your body.

So this begs the question, could reality be embedded within space? This is where the evidence points to the chagrin of reductionist.

This leads us to interference waves. Think of a blurry picture out of focus, all the information about the picture is spread out throughout the blur of the picture. Within interferece waves all the information about the system is encoded within these patterns. Think of two pebbles dropped into a lake. When you drop the pebbles they will make waves and when the waves from the two pebbles combine an interference pattern occurs.

When an object goes from microscopic to macroscopic it decoheres. We know once decoherence begins the interference patterns seems gone but it is still present. Interference pattern are represented with (+/-), they are erased when decoherence sets in but the and operater still remains within the equations, so you get right "and" left, so the particle goes through both the right and left slits at the same time. With the observer you get the "or" operater which I will go into in part 3. So if you shoot electrons through one of the slits during a double slit experiment one at a time, a wave pattern will still occur even though the electrons are traveling through the slit seperately. In other words they still stay connected to the wave. This is wave/particle duality. So decoherence gives you the appearence of a particle state when in reality the waves holds the information.

Lets go back to the pebbles. See, when you drop the pebbles in the water the pebbles interact with the water at one point. So you have a one dimensional wave source, then the waves radiate out on the surface of the lake in two dimensions. The intersection of these waves forms a two dimensional pattern on the surface of the lake. Same with reality, a two dimensional wave source, say your shadow or a region of space, is then bathed in light and the waves radiate out into space in three dimensions. When these waves interefere a 3-D image forms in space. The retrieval of data from the two dimensional source is rapid. This has a bearing on memory which we will get into in part 3. A million bit page can be processed at one time. So these "bits" can produce the "it" that we see.


Sunday, December 19, 2004

Noah's Flood, Local?

Was Noah's flood local is the question, I believe it was is the answer.

The first question you must ask is who was in the ark. The answer lies within Genesis 7:15,

And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherin there is breath of life.

You see it? Maybe one more verse, Genesis 7:22,

All in whose Nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land died.

You can see it in chapter 6 verse 17,

And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherin is the breath of life, from under heaven; and everything that is in the earth shall die.

The story in the Bible is about a specific local event that was targeted at a specific group. Noah and his sons spread out among the cultures of the earth. This is why you have similar flood stories in just about every culture.

It would appear that most ancient civilizations had megalithic builders who built great pyramids or mounds, that had a pyramid shape. There are literally hundreds of pyramids of various styles scattered over the Earth, in Africa, Europe, the Far East, the Middle East and Southeast Asia and South Pacific, and in North and South America.

This is because the sons of Noah affected these civilizations with their advanced knowledge. I wouldn't be surprised if Noah's Ark wasn't a flying ship of some kind.

See, Noah was connected to Adam and the Breath of Life. He was also connected to the knowledge of Adam and his descendents. Noah and his sons would have been the last ones left with this knowledge after the flood. These civilizations that Noah and his sons spread out among were primitive civilizations (not neanderthal, but most likely archaic homo sapien or cro magnon). They then interbred and intertwined their DNA as well as their knowledge with these civilizations. This is why people talk about Eden, Atlantis or a paradise, because this is the civilization that Noah and his sons were from.

Look at this verse:

Genesis 2:8 And the Lord God planted a garden Eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had Formed.

Wherever God planted the Garden and Put Adam is where this civilization existed. It's a particular place, Eden, not the whole earth. If you notice Adam got sent from the garden, but he didn't leave Eden.

Genesis 3:23 Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

See, the Lord God sent Adam out from the Garden of Eden, but he was still in Eden a local place that fell to the flood (besides Noah of course).

Also the earth is erets and could mean a local place, example:

Genesis 19:31 And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth.

This was the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and obviously all the men in the earth were not destroyed, just in a particular place. She is saying that there is no man around(locally) that can come unto us and give us offspring like the people in the rest of the earth. Here earth describes a local place, Sodom and Gomorrah.

Exodus 10:15 For they covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was darkened; and they did eat every herb of the land, and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left: and there remained not any green thing in the trees, or in the herbs of the field throughout the land of Egypt.

Here the face of the whole earth is used to describe a particular place, the land of Egypt. So the animals on the ark were ones from Eden, not from every species on earth.

So in conclusion, a local flood agrees with science and most importantly the Bible.